It's quite sad how babies can also be afflicted with eczema. Babies with eczema must be very uncomfortable especially that they can't voice out their discomfort or do anything to relieve themselves from their itchy dry skin. They completely depend on their parents and caregivers for these things. But the development of eczema in a baby is more common than you think. More so, there are also a lot of parents like you who are willing to go the extra mile just to provide your own baby with the comfort that he or she deserves.
Only one type of eczema affects babies and this is known as atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis. Don't get confused with two terms though because they are used interchangeably and only mean the same thing. Another term that you might hear from other parents is "infantile eczema". This is yet another term that refers to atopic eczema because it is the only type of eczema that affects babies.
Eczema in baby often manifests itself as red patches of dry skin that itch or ooze a clear liquid. These may appear as neck rashes but they could also appear on their cheeks, arms, and legs. These rashes are terribly itchy too. As a parent, you have to take full responsibility of taking care of your baby and relieving his or her discomfort from eczema.
The wrong types of bathing soap can dramatically change your baby's condition from bad to worse. Soap is a common skin irritant and if you don't make the right choice, you can only aggravate the eczema in your baby. When buying bathing soap for babies with eczema, pick out the ones that have gentle formulas. It will also help if you choose soaps that have moisturizers in them. The itchiness of the rashes is related to the dryness of the skin so moisturizing it can in turn reduce the itch.
When you bathe your baby, don't let him or her stay in the water long. Soaking in the water for too long can weaken the skin's protective barrier and increase the risk of worsening the eczema. Lather your hands with the mild soap, pat his skin gently, and rinse him right after. Remember to use lukewarm water when bathing your baby to keep your baby's skin from drying.
Towel dry your baby using a towel made of pure cotton. Don't rub the towel on your baby's skin. Just pat his skin dry.
An eczema lotion that's specifically made for babies can be applied directly on the rashes after you have dried them. You can also use mild moisturizers for dry skin like Aloe Vera lotion. These lotions will moisturize the skin and prevent further drying. If you notice that the lotion that you use only worsens the rashes though, discontinue from using them.
Babies with eczema must be clothed in cotton too. Synthetic fiber must be avoided because they are rough on the skin and the friction could further aggravate the eczema in baby. Also, synthetic fiber traps in heat and causes sweating. Sweat that gets trapped underneath clothing can cause more eczema rashes to show or worsen the eczema that your baby already has.
Your baby's bedding and pillow cases should all be made of cotton.
Eczema in a baby is just as itchy as those in adults. Babies will try to scratch their rashes and with sharp nails, they can cut themselves especially since the skin having the rashes is very sensitive compared to healthy skin. To avoid this, cut your infant's nails regularly. During his or her sleep, wrap his or her hands in cotton mittens.